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These are not for you.

According to the charity Shelter, in 2017 across greater Manchester an estimated 1 in 154 people were classified as ‘homeless’.


In 2018 The Office of National Statistics released information that showed more homeless people died in Greater Manchester than in any other combined authority in England and Wales.

We have a massive problem with homelessness not only in Greater Manchester but all across the UK and the longer this goes on unsolved the more people suffer.

Tim Heatley co-founder of Capital & Centric property developers and chair of Greater Manchester Mayor’s Charity proudly stated on BBC2’s four part documentary series Manctopia: Billion Pound Property Boom, that he stepped forward to chair the charity so he could ‘feel less guilty’ before going on to say ‘homelessness is bad for business’.


This shows that the people who have the opportunity to make a difference simply do not care.

To go along with my work in the show I created a folded zine to provide more information as well access to charitable organisations that help those in need of housing.

Also a short video exploring the cyclical nature of architecture (available here).

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